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A UX Community of Practice for Higher Education

Guy Carberry, 23 November 2021

This evolving article will cover how we formed a grass roots Community of Practice (COP) for User Experience (UX) in Higher Education (HE). I will update it as the group grows to document what we did and what we learnt along the way.

Soon after leaving The Open University I helped form the The Higher Education UX Community of Practice. We met over the summer of 2021 to map out the scope of the group, identify potential members and get a sense of the terms of reference. My first task was to create the call to action to drum up some interest:

Call to action!

If this sounds like you or your team, join us today!

Next steps

Having recruited over 100 professionals from across the UK HE sector, we set about planning a series of virtual meetups to cover all aspects of UX in an HE content. The first guest speaker, Paul Boag was scheduled for December 2021.

Get in touch

I'm always up for a chat. You'll find me on LinkedIn, WhatsApp and Gmail (guycarberry).

Copyright © 2021-Now Guy Carberry.

Site last updated 29 August 2024.